Personal digital assistants are semi-computer aids, that help with users ability to interact with computers. A PDA can be used to help with organization or to pull up references interactively onto a presentation through a central computer. PDA's are generally limited my processing potential and most inherentially by user interphase.
Online survey can be used to collect knowledge and information from students on what they retained from the class and what needs to be recovered and reintroduced in new or clearer ways. This aids in students not being left behind. General rules in my personal opinion are clarity and simplicity. information is easiest to retain when presented in a clear and simply way, this specifically pertains to the sciences.
Personally having never owned or used a PDA on a regular bases i feel they are unnecisarry though depending on your classroom environment and teaching style, they can however be very useful. Though may be limiting in keeping all digital information and having to go back and forth from digital to paper information.